Sunday, September 23, 2018

Family Day Went Yay!



Hey it's me again. So I spent the best weekend in my life ever with my big happy family. We were off for a family day in Melaka and everyone was there. I was thinking to write about it earlier but I was just too lazy, pardon me for that. For this time around, me and Adda were being appointed to plan for all the games. Thanks to Runningman for the ideas by the way. We did a good job actually, ughhhhh I wish you could see the full unmute video 'cause it was so damn funny. We're all waiting for a video from Abang Haidar, well, 'cause it's pretty obvious that he's got the editing skills, he'll nail it! By now you're reading this, most of them in the videos are currently under the weather. Thank God I'm feeling all well despites the raining season. So yeah that's all for this time around, write to you soon!  

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Moment's Gone


It's one of those morning where I woke up from a dream of him. A sweet one that I wish there was no end to it. I wonder how's he doing ever since there was no me as a part of his life. My aching heart, still, would wish the best for both of him and whoever replaced me. This is good enough. I'm happy as long he's happy. I'm pretty much stuck in the middle of between the past and the present now. No doubt about that. I don't know, there are several chances come running to me, but I guess the sparks aren't there yet. Ones that make me stare, laugh and make up my mind "oh he's something, I'm gonna do this!". I don't and I can't love just anyone, just because I'm a bit under the cloud of loneliness. It's gonna take some time and it's always worth it, to me. After all I've been through, there's no regret to any of those 'cause I've loved with all I had.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

2nd Round


Alhamdulillah, it's a wrap! We're done with both sides of the wedding reception, Abemi and Kak Ira looked damn gorgeous. Now it's time for us to live our life together forever. Anyways, we were so worn out at the end of the day! But it's true that wedding brings everyone together. It was so joyful to meet the big family of our own, old friends, long distance relatives, our adoptive parents and so on. Oh I swear, updating a post this time around is quite tempting for me to upload a bunch of photos, but nevermind, I've uploaded the rest of the photos in my instagram and actually there are more to come, with the videos as well. They're gonna come later. Well, seems like I've becoming our family amateur photographer now. Because everyone seems really into the moment and there was no one captured them, so I volunteered to take them for my own record. Now, take care readers! I think I'm getting lazier at updating for nothing important as this one, so I'll write you again till the next post, bye!