Saturday, September 1, 2018

2nd Round

Alhamdulillah, it's a wrap! We're done with both sides of the wedding reception, Abemi and Kak Ira looked damn gorgeous. Now it's time for us to live our life together forever. Anyways, we were so worn out at the end of the day! But it's true that wedding brings everyone together. It was so joyful to meet the big family of our own, old friends, long distance relatives, our adoptive parents and so on. Oh I swear, updating a post this time around is quite tempting for me to upload a bunch of photos, but nevermind, I've uploaded the rest of the photos in my instagram and actually there are more to come, with the videos as well. They're gonna come later. Well, seems like I've becoming our family amateur photographer now. Because everyone seems really into the moment and there was no one captured them, so I volunteered to take them for my own record. Now, take care readers! I think I'm getting lazier at updating for nothing important as this one, so I'll write you again till the next post, bye!

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