Monday, August 19, 2019

Older, Hopefully Wiser

I'm 25 years old today! Got cake from Min and Nisa, thank you. We're always gonna stick together until the end, right? Until I bid the company goodbye soon, hahaha, kidding. Got all good wishes from my family, my friends and some people. I wish the same good things for all of them too. I hope I’ve learned enough from my past experiences and make more reasonable decisions in future, not solely based on sentiments or feelings. Anyway, I've been slowly dumping my bad habit that I've been wanting to get rid off since forever. Can't tell you what it is, but I'm finally at peace now and I’m doing so good, you have no idea! The break up part was a wake-up call, that's when I start to do better for myself. As in return, good things slowly come to me, H for example. I have to admit that he's the highlight of my birthday this year, the actual reason of why I'm gonna consider it's precious than ever. Guess we're all still acting young and bold, aren't we? I hope I also getting wiser and braver as I'm turning another year older. What else? I think that should be enough. This has been an exhausting day, 'cause I fought against the menstrual cramps every seconds it hit me, and I've been running back and forth at the office today. Goodnight now, write to you soon !

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