Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Life doesn’t always turn out how you plan, but I’ve realized that I need to just roll with the punches. While I’m still trying to figure what will help to fill the void in my soul, I’m going to relax more and do things that bring me pleasure while making sure I become a well adjusted adult. Patience…that’s all I need. Love will happen again when it does. I can’t mistake desire or lust for love. I can’t force it or act like it’s an accessory. In fact, judging by what I'm barely doing all this time, I don't think I'm ready for a huge commitment, yet. Well yep, I guess I was wrong before. But still, I'll get myself ready in this upcoming 4 years in most possible way. For the time being, perhaps I'll keep on meeting new people if I feel like to. Maybe I'll figure what's better, what brings out the best or the worst in me, maybe I'll figure more of myself, what not to do and what I suppose to do. I’ll just have to wait and instead focus on what I have: great friends, good job, opportunities in life, nice education, and a loving family. I’ll enjoy myself in the meantime without getting confused while sticking to the rules. "All these guys, they’re just fun. Who needs serious?" On the surface, this alter ego of mine may seem like a gimmick, but it kinda help me out to get myself stand by my own feet again. But hey, just don't get me wrong, love never was a game to me.

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