Saturday, May 19, 2018

Little Miss Anxious


Hey ho. First 3 days at the new place were not that bad. I think I'm experiencing a culture shock, so I'm still trying to adapt to new environment and new people as well. It ain't easy at first, I went home and cried for feeling too anxious. Don't wanna show it to anyone, but it's kinda bad actually, mentally. The only good part for now is I've made friends with the other girls who are new as me too. So thankful that they're so nice and friendly. It's just that I'm worried about being placed in a department that I never wanted. Hmm, may Allah ease everything for me and helps me to succeed, I don't know where else should I put my hope to, I hope He always protects me from every bad things, especially get yelled by the big bosses or anyone. No, I don't want that. Hmm, I also feel that I'm missing my sisters and brothers at UKM. Can't really meet them on weekdays now since my lunch break is only gonna be 12-1 pm from Mondays to Fridays. Duh, now that I just scrolling down the pictures, I realized I do miss them so badly! Feel like wanting to go back there, but I've promised myself to stay out of my comfort zone and moving on. Please pray the best for me, readers. I need nothing but every nice Doa from you guys. See you soon! Happy fasting by the way, it's the 3rd day of Ramadhan already, may all the nicest things be granted upon you. Byebye.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Modern Life Is Rubbish !


I watched a really good movie today. It's called Modern Life Is Rubbish. Oh God! You gotta go and watch it. The movie fulls of good songs, fits into my soul right away. There's these tracks from the movie that I love; Liquorice Allsort Girl, Unforgettable. I tried hard enough to look for these songs online to download. but none was found. It said that these songs are not allowed to be listened in this country, 'cause we don't have the license for it. Hahaha sounds funny yet a huge disappointment to me. Hmm. But thank goodness, spotify saves me. Oh, forgot to mention that tomorrow is my last day of working at UKM. I hope there's no more surprises or presents now. No more tears, please. That is so not cool. Do whatever you can to not cry, Alynn, do it! And then, Wednesday will be another brand new working environment for me. I hope everything goes well. Goodnight earthlings! Don't forget to enjoy the movie, and also, hit the button below to play the song.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Labour Day spent well! We were having early dinner at Experiment Kitchen while talking about Mirul who got sulked over petty little things since last two weeks. He blocked us all on whatsapp, instagram and facebook. The guy is not in the picture, and I don't know for how long he's gonna treat us like that. I tried to be more understanding with what he might have gone through the past few weeks, perhaps with all the breakup thingy with his girlfriend. But I don't know, it doesn't make sense for him to blame almost all of us and cut off our friendships just like that! Just because we didn't ask him out the other day. Okay, we did actually tried to approach him after that, but he didn't give us a chance to explain, so. It was kinda annoying, but then I thought, "you know what?! let's just ignore him already, he ain't gonna stay with us anyway"