Thursday, July 28, 2016

Raya Lagi


Bonjourno. Just wanna tell you that things are slowly fall into places at my workplace. I'm so glad that they treat me like I'm no stranger. All that I've done since last week was eating, again and again. We just had a raya celebration with all the staffs of jabatan bendahari today and I swear my tummy was about to explode, I ate tons of food that you could never imagined. Plus, there's another one tomorrow. A simple farewell party for our youngest one, Sabrina, who's about to leaving the place to pursue a degree in accounting. But the problem is, I absolutely don't know what to bring for tomorrow. I mean, they're bringing different kind of food as far as I concerned. Everybody's already sending out orders yet I'm still here thinking and thinking. Hmm, now this is too troublesome for me.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Dead Inside


Have you ever hated youself so much that it makes you wished to be someone else? Well, I do. So many times. I've always wondered why does all this thing happened to me? Why does every beautiful moment have to be so hard for me to own it? Why did I lost them once I'm in love with them with all my heart? Why did I always ruined everything when I didn't even mean any harm? Every questions that lingers in my mind ended with an answer that's explained everything. Because I'm not worth it. Because I don't deserve it. Because I don't have any luck in love. I failed so many times no matter how hard I tried and I'm starting to feel like I don't believe in myself anymore, you know. Last night was the night I confronted him with so many stupid questions about the mini project LI. Believe me, that was just a cover up, a very lame move I must say. I only curious about one thing, so I did asked him one very last question. "You're never gonna love me again, are you?". And so he said something about we're better off this way. Which means, it's never gonna happen again and there's no more me in his life anymore. So tell me, how do you look at the man that you love and tell yourself it's time to walk away? 'Cause I don't seem like I can do it.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Gang's All Here


I'm home now after spent a week at kampung Jeram. Anyway, Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin to no one who's reading this. No one yet I'm still keep on updating this blog. Weird. So, only first day of raya have been so much fun with all of the gangs. Mana taknye, semua balik kampung except for Alang's as usual, meriah angat! Yeah it was fun, until each of us got knocked out by high fever when the second day of raya arrived. That included me too. I even fainted in front of the bathroom because of the very low blood pressure. Well I'm not really surprised 'cause it happened to me before. Thank goodness my dad always got my back.