Sunday, March 18, 2018


I criticized myself a whole lot more than people did of me. I feel like I never been really important to certain people who I love to the fullest. I don't know. Perhaps I don't give enough, that's why I don't feel enough. Oh I would love to blame the ups and downs of this hormone thingy. But nevermind. It would've been a lie if I said I never thought of getting out of this house and start over somewhere else alone, or another worst case of scenario, committing suicide. Just to see if there are people who really cry over me. I need to know, if there's at least one people who can't live without me. But thank God, I'm still sane and I'm not even gonna do anything that'll break the law in my religion. But yeah, that's what I feel when almost everytime it hits me. Knowing the fact that I couldn't even talked to someone about it, that's just very devastating to me. At this moment, I'd cry right away if I heard anyone asked me, "are you okay?". 'Cause I'm really not. I would appreciate it if the same question been asked to me like every single day, so I'll know that whenever I'm not feeling fine, there'll be a pair of ears and shoulders for me to lean on, to cry on. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1. Give yourself some love. You need it.
    “Treat yourself with love and have patience to ride it out until the next opportunity for love comes around.”

    2. Realize that sometimes a breakup is a blessing in disguise.
    “In almost every case, I was glad to be done with it. I looked to the future and saw only misery. Or [my exes] looked to the future and saw only misery. Either way, it was for the best that we split. It takes time, but you know, you kind of just move on.”

    3. Find new hobbies and other ways to get your mind off the breakup.
    “If I slumped into phases of just sitting there wondering about her and feeling sorry for myself, I’d just free-write my thoughts in a journal for about 20 minutes, then I’d go do something completely unrelated like read a book or dive into a mindless video game. It helped to get the emotions out of my system without sitting around for hours feeling sad.”

    4. Learn to focus on the positive.
    “You need to remind yourself of all the positives of being by yourself and try to avoid thinking about all the negatives as much as possible.”

    5. Use this as a chance to better yourself.
    “The healthiest way to get over a relationship is to reflect on what you did well and what you could have done better during the relationship. This is a time to be honest with yourself, but also be fair. It is basically guaranteed you will come out of this much wiser than you were while in the relationship.”

    6. Take time to get to know your real self again.
    “It’s like a mental journey. You live and you learn but when you are a mess of emotions you have to snap back to reality. Work through what happened, then try to think for yourself and be comfortable with yourself — it’s hard but that’s what you were missing all along.”

    7. Know that you will become stronger as a result.
    “I think of losing people as a huge burden, whether by death or divorce. The burden’s always there, but you get stronger and that makes the burden easier and easier to carry until it’s so light it’s forgotten.”

    8. Realize you will fall in love again — and with the right person.
    “I met my current boyfriend after my breakup. I went from thinking about my ex every single day — thinking of him whenever any sort of sad song came on — and now he barely crosses my mind. It just takes the right person to make you realize the benefit of your previous relationship ending.”

    Sooner or later, you will get over it. But until then, just have faith, be stronger, tougher girl and remember that there is others that always care about you.keep that in ur mind.
