Saturday, January 27, 2018


Since I left you, mine eye is in my mind;
And that which governs me to go about
Doth part his function and is partly blind,
Seems seing, but effectually is out;
For it no form delivers to the heart
Of bird, of flower, or shape which it doth latch;
Of his quick objects hath the mind no part,
Nor his own vision holds what it doth catch;
For if it see the rud'st or gentlest sight,
The most sweet favour or deformed'st creature,
The mountain or the sea, the day or night,
The crow, or dove, it shapes them to your feature;
Incapable of more, replete with you,
My most true mind thus maketh mine eye untrue.

-Shakespeare's Sonnet 113

Like falling raindrops on the window tonight, my mind is getting stained by you. I want to hide everything, but I can't hide my heartbeat. In retrospect I'm at a standstill, 'cause I always have a heavy heart and my farewell has slow steps. I try erasing but I can't seem to erase certain parts of you until now. I try to forget but it seems like everything is an endless pain to me. Truth. I'd like to live happily from this day onwards. No more feel longing for someone who doesn't feel the exact same way as I do. So please, leave me alone.

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