Tuesday, March 22, 2022

A Little Rush That's Not Too Much

It's quite stressful to plan a wedding, I was thinking to just do the bare minimum but I changed my mind. Like, I want my once in a lifetime wedding turns out beautiful. Hence I been focusing and hoping that flower decorations and every little details meet my expectations. But I also don't want to get my hopes high, scared might disappoint myself. I haven't finalized my wedding theme yet, that'll have to discuss with the vendor a month before the date. Now pending vendors to search for henna, hand bouquet, wedding cake, and wedding reception attire. We also haven't buy rings and settle the forms yet. We're almost there, got 2 months more, that should be enough time for us to complete everything. May Allah ease.

Oh, all praise to Him, I got new job offer and I already accepted it about last week. I swear I didn't expect this good news after I screwed up in the interview session with them. They gave me 2 case studies and I couldn't do the forecasting one as I never done it before. They offered 33% salary increment after few times of negotiation. Weird, at first they informed me they set a 4-5k budget for that position, and they offered me only rm200 increment in the beginning. After several calls and explanation why I demand for higher, finally they agreed. Both the new company and DKSH agreed to let me serve for 1.5 months, and the new company will buy me out for 0.5. So I'll be tied up to financial bond with the new company for 6 months. As usual, I'm already nervous and excited, so I keep on praying harder so my Lord will help me whenever I need Him. 


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