Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Sorry I've been busy at end of March. We had kenduri at Kampung, it was so hot and tiring as well. Had to help in cooking, run here and there to get good photo, get a nice angle for video. Then I was one of the committee members for the Protege Closing ceremony at Putrajaya Marriott Hotel. Again, run back and forth carrying the boxes all that. It's a bit thrilling when the other committees were all Sabahan people, they were all fun to hang around with. Guess it's a bit sad and disappointing, the fact that now Lhava already left the company, we're so gonna miss her! Here goes separation, one by one of us will start to walk out of here, I'm so not ready for this. Ok enough with the mood wrecker, my high school girlfriend Balqis just got engaged! Gosh I'm so happy for her, we all are! That guy better treat her good. Hmm, shit! We're a grown up people now. My close friends mostly haven't get married yet, so it's okay 'cause we're all still enjoying ourselves, figuring out the world, future planning all that messy things. 

So that was how I spent my happy March and now let me tell you something about my April. Remember my superior, Sofi? She gave birth already on 19th Mac, and I've been carrying her job responsibilities since then. When it comes to a new month, there are soooo many reports I have to prepare. I'm doing them for the first time this month, you know. It does makes sense if she doesn't trust me enough. Turns out there are some errors in my reports, thank goodness she had the time to check them first. But I'm pretty sure I can do them right the next month. Ugh, it's so fucking stressful and really hard to do everything alone! I don't even have the time to drink water, or even go to the toilet. My work has been doubled up. With Joanna keep pushing me to submit the Hybris report urgently, with Kenny calling me and blaming me over petty things, with Tracy letting go a task to me that Marketing team supposed to do, with my boss Allen keep calling me out to settle the group's KPI, with the managers all reaching out to me for any help. I almost cried actually but I held it in and be tougher than usual. Please do pray for me, feel like I'm not getting any stronger to face all this. I don't wanna seem like a crybaby or sound like I'm complaining too much, but this all is too tough.

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