Monday, April 30, 2018

Black And Red

After weeks of planning for the dinner, celebrating our bendahari's retirement day, we finally did a splendid job! Oh I'm glad that I joined this group and learn so many things from them cool people. Not a bad thing anyway. So, as you guys know my contract will ended on 31st May, I actually had a mixed kind of feelings to leave the place and my colleagues. But this is what I wished for, to step out of my comfort zone. So as my first step of doing so, I went to an interview last week in Bangi. It went better than the last interview for finance executive haritu. Damn it! I don't wanna think about it anymore. So now I'm currently waiting for the result, hoping it's a good one 'cause I'm desperate for a job. Oh at the same time, someone from another department offered me a job, but I still think about it. Let's say if I accept it, on the bright side; I'm gonna learn new things and meet new people. Tapi on the weak point of it, it's going to be a daily wage. It's like I'm moving a step backward from where I am right now. That's not good, but still, money is money!

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