Monday, January 2, 2017



Happy new year guys! There, I finally said it after trying so hard to get the internet connection for the past few days. Ugh. Now, we're talking about resolutions and wishes. So, I wish Allah showers me with all good things for myself and my dearest family. I wish I'll get a job with a great salary that suits my level. I wish I won't be afraid again to take chances on something or someone. I wish to start all over again, forget whatever that used to hurt me before, or now. I wish to gain back my fitness, serious speaking, I really need to start getting back on track. I wish I'll heal myself completely this year. No more crying in the darkness, please. I wish I'm never gonna fall in love again 'cause it's a bad thing. 'Cause no one will ever get me and all my darkest thoughts. I don't wanna expect for any guy to do so anymore. Resolutions? To fix any broken parts of myself. To be a better servant. To gain more money and start clearing my ptptn debts. To make my family happy. To stop hurting others with/without purpose. To never show my tears to anyone again. To appreciate my friends more.